1 John 4:13 By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. (English Standard Version)
Yesterday I began to explore the incredible theme of "incorruption" as it relates to the biblical teaching of salvation. Many times when the gospel is presented - the themes of forgiveness, peace with God, being made right with God and adoption are stated. As right as it is to do this - I discover in the Bible that salvation not only affects my judicial standing and relational standing before God, but also my very nature is transformed. Though I still remain human in my creaturely existence, yet in Christ I am not just human. Morally and spiritually speaking I learn to think, feel and act with God since He lives inside of me. Below are a couple more thoughts on this theme of "incorruption".
Incorruption means I can be like Jesus more and more in this life
1 John 4:17 states - "By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, so also are we in this world." With this passage we find out that as Christians, we don't have to wait until we get to heaven to be like Jesus. Rather, as we grow in grace, we can become more like Jesus (in the way He thinks, acts and feels, we can too). Everything in this universe has one thing in common - it is all subject to decay and corruption. Its all running down. Our physical bodies are this way too. However as Christians our human spirit is being renewed day by day. For the Christian, Christ should become more profound, more new and exciting by each passing day.
2. Incorruption means I am morally and spiritually being transformed
1 John 3:9 in the English Standard Version states - "No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God." A Christian at salvation is set free from the penalty of sin. As one grows in grace, they are being set free from the power of sin. When the Christian appears before the Lord in glory, they will be set free from the presence of sin.
Sin is viewed as corruption. As the life of God Himself, living in our human spirit, begins to spread throughout our soul, we are progressively becoming more like Him, and less corrupt. Over time the Christian should find themselves hating sin, and sinning less and less severely. Though we can never reach the point of sinless perfection in this life, yet as Christians we are set free from having to sin and be underneath the mastery of our hang-ups. Whenever I sin - or partake of corruption - I do so not because I have to, but because I choose to.
May every child of God reading this blog draw from the life of God indwelling them this day.

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