3 John 1:2 "Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers."
Today's post concludes a series of posts that have been derived from the smallest book in the Bible - John's 3rd Epistle. The above opening verse is identified as the key verse and spells out the theme of 3 John, namely "Healthy Christianity". The phrase within 3 John 1:2 that has governed this study has been the statement John makes regarding his readers as those who have "prospering souls". In this series we have explored the idea of "the healthy Christian soul". Thus far we have looked at how healthy Christian souls....
1. Prize walking in the truth
2. Prize faithfulness to the Lord
3. Love the work of God
4. Love to do what is right
As we conclude this series, we will consider one more trait of a healthy Christian soul, namely...
Healthy Christian Souls Prioritize a Good Testimony
3 John 1:12 points to amn who had a good testimony - "Demetrius has received a good testimony from everyone, and from the truth itself; and we add our testimony, and you know that our testimony is true." I am sure the reader has heard it said that a good testimony results from a "test" and that any message flowing from a testimony came after a "mess".
Within the book of 3 John, we see the mess that a villian, Diotrophes, was making in the small church to which John wrote. We saw yesterday how Diotrophes typifies unhealthy Christianity by how he was self-centered, self-sufficient, accusing, divisive and argumentative. According to 3 John 1:10, Diotrophes was abusing his leadership power to the point of excommunicating people who were otherwise spiritually healthy!
To contrast Diotrophes, John mentions to Gaius and his fellow church members the testimony of a man named Demetrius in 3 John 1:12. Though we are given scant detail about this man, it is very clear that he was a man who had a very healthy Christian soul. Everyone had nothing but good to say about Demetrius and his level of Christian piety was to such a degree that even the Apostle John could say that not only God's Word, but even the Apostles themselves recognized his testimony. Ought Christian people be the type of people who can be spoken well of, whether in the church, at the workplace, the school yard or even in the lips of enemies? Demetrius' reputation seemed nearly second to none.
Closing thoughts
As John closes out his little letter, it is clear he has much more to say as indicated by his words in 3 John 1:13-15. Healthy Christianity is what John is urging Gaius, the church to which Gaius was a part of in fellowship and what the Holy Spirit is urging us to desire. Remember, healthy Christian souls...
1. Prize walking in the truth
2. Prize faithfulness to the Lord
3. Love the work of God
4. Love to do what is right
5. Aim for a good testimony
Would we as Christ followers attain unto being those with healthy Christian souls.