Today's post is a poem based off of Philippians 2:8-11. The point of the poem is to honor Jesus Christ as He has always existed as God with the Father and the Spirit, and how He humbled Himself by the virgin conception/birth to live as a human being.
Jesus Christ - God and man
In Eternity He shared glory and Deity
With the Father and Spirit in One Trinity
He chose with the Father to become a man
The Spirit would aid in executing the plan
Mary the virgin was the vessel to be
Wherein the miracle of Deity united with humanity
As God the galaxies were held by His Might
As babe His hands clung to his mother tight
As God he formed the first man by His hand
As man his hands were to be pierced per the Father's plan
As God He made galaxies, planets and life
As man he was laid in a manger in the midst of strife
As God He knew all that ever would be
He limited Himself to become sinless humanity
He was the source of salvation as the Redeeming God
As Man He died to pay with innocent blood
As God He had no beginning nor ending of life
As perfect man He resurrected to provide eternal life
He with Father and Spirit, One Perfect Deity
As man He ascended in glorified humanity
By grace through faith sinners see Him as God
United to humanity, by faith in His blood
When He returns, he will still be God and sinless man
The King of Kings, Jesus Christ, Fully God and Perfect Man