2 Timothy 2:15 "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."
Today's post is all about summarizing the chronological order of the 27 New Testament books. Knowing such an order can be useful for those who may want to read the New Testament in the order that God revealed His words to the New Testament apostles. Credit for the dating goes to Dr. Richard Fairman, a wonderful New Testament Professor that I had in Bible College years ago. May the reader find the following list both useful and informative.
James = 45 A.D
Matthew = Written between 45-50 A.D
Galatians = 52 A.D
1 & 2 Thessalonians = 52 A.D
1 & 2 Corinthians = 56 A.D
Romans = 57 A.D
Mark = Written between 60-69 A.D
Luke = Written 59 or 60 A.D
Acts = Written very shortly after Luke.
Ephesians = 60 A.D
Colossians & Philemon = 61 A.D
Philippians = 62 A.D
1 Timothy & Titus = 62 A.D
1 Peter = 63 A.D
Hebrews = 64 A.D
2 Timothy = 64 A.D
2 Peter = 66 A.D
Jude = 75 A.D
1,2 & 3 John = Written between 85-95 A.D
Revelation = 96 A.D