All of creation, from the beginning, found joy in God and His Word
This verse stands as one of the finest statements of Christ’s
supremacy anywhere in the written Word.
Without the Living Word Jesus Christ, the universe would not exist. We know for a fact that at the opening of
creation was as event full of joy. The
Lord addresses Job with the following question in Job 38:7 - Was he there “When
the morning stars sang together And all the sons of God shouted for joy?” Why were they shouting for joy? It was because of the Living Word through
whom The Father spoke all things into being.
Paul begins and ends with the refrain of “all things being
created by Him”. In between those
refrains we see what “all things” are: "both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities”. Nothing lies outside of Christ’s authority.
Since Christ is the source and the goal of joy, it only makes sense that the
act of creation was a joyful event, since he was the one making it. John 1:3 echoes this thought: “All things came into being
through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.”
The Oldest Question in human thought
The oldest question in human thought is: Why is there something, rather than
nothing? Modern Astronomy will use
theories like the Big Bang to try to prove the universe arose out of
nothingness by chance. Other origin models
of the universe suggest the universe is eternal, and that this current one is a
stage in an infinitely long series of beginnings and endings. Still other theories suggest that the universe has been around for eternity.
The problems with these three types of secular origins viewpoints are two-fold.(see note at the end of this blog) First, no known physical law of science demonstrates the possibility of being coming from non-being, or existence coming from non-existence. Thus the idea of the universe "popping into being" is technically non-scientific.
Second, no known physical law supports the idea of a more highly organized system coming from a less organized one. Ice cubes melt and broken glass shatters. You never see icecubes form in a warm glass of water nor a broken pane of glass reverse itself back to an unbroken state. Clearly the universe had to had formed from something or better yet, Someone who was of a highly organized intelligence. The universe is in a state of "winding down", meaning that all of the available, useable energy is becoming less and less. This points to a beginning, that was in a far more ordered state than it is now. Thus the universe cannot be eternally old. Furthermore, to say that another universe formed this one begs the question: then where would that universe had originated from? One would have to go back through an infinite series of universes, which as we have already shown, cannot be sustained by current laws of science.
Why no other worldview on origins can lead to joy
Physicist Steven Weinberg, who is one of the architects of modern particle physics and an Atheist, noted one time that the more he studies the universe, the more absurd he finds it to be. Why is that? Is it the data he finds, or his worldview? Atheism assumes there not to be an underlying meaning and purpose to life nor the universe, and yet in order to do science, one must believe there to be some measure of order. Truly any view of origins that is not centered on the Word cannot elicit joy. For the Christian, life is not random. There is order, there is purpose – and thus joy. That purpose is found in Jesus Christ, the Living WORD, through Whom creation commenced.
1. This critique of secular models for the origin of the universe is based off a well established scientific law of physics called "The Second Law of Thermodynamics".