2 Timothy 4:2 "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with greatpatience and instruction."
The opening verse for today's post has special meaning to me because it was the verse God used to call me to preach. As a seventeen year old young man, those three opening words: "preach the word" lept off the page and reverberated in my heart. Though I still view myself as learning how to preach God's Word, I thought it may be important to jot down a suggested description of Biblical preaching. Today's post is simply a listing of characteristics to look for, listen for or if the reader is a preacher - aim for. What describes Biblical preaching? Here is a suggested list:
1. Biblical preaching's design is to expose or unpack God's Word in the manner it was revealed, verse by verse.
2. It's aim is to point the people of God to the Son of God to be called by God to live for God
3. Biblical preaching's methods include explanation, illustration, application and exhortation to obedience.
4. It's power is from the Holy Spirit
5. Biblical preaching's audience is God Himself, since its His word and He is the One whom I am to please.
6. It's concern is to bring today's world to the text, so that the text can transform my world
7. Biblical preaching's effectiveness is in direct proportion to what I spend in prayer
8. It's reach is to command all men everywhere to repent and to compel the saved to live for God.