Psalm 12:7 The words of the LORD are pure words; As silver tried in a furnace on the earth, refined seven times.
The past several blogs have dealt with the identity and extent of the inspired books that make up the 66 books of the Bible. Like a measuring stick that determines truth, the entire collection of inspired books are we we call "The Canon of Scripture" (the word canon literally means "measuring stick"). But now what makes the 66 books as individual books, as well as a collection, authoritative and binding upon the conscience of every Christian? The nature of biblical authority resides in the concept referred to as "biblical inerrancy".
What do we mean when we say that the Bible is inerrant?
In addition to the verse above, other passages speak to the fact that the scriptures are without error. (Psalm 119:96; Proverbs 30:5; 2 Peter 1:21). Inerrancy simply means that the Bible, in all of its over 31,000 words and 1189 chapters is completely accurate about every matter and doctrine, whether it be scientific, historical, spiritual or literary. The Bible was written by 40 human authors who were specifically graced by God to produce writings without error.
Two important elements of biblical inerrancy
Material Inerrancy
With that said, we must understand two important aspects of inerrancy. The first is what we call "material inerrancy". When the Prophets and Apostles composed the original manuscripts (also called autographs) of the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Manuscripts, the very wording or "material" of the original manuscripts were without error. After those original manuscripts were composed, they were copied, and then copied again.
Over the centuries, we have collected over 800 copies of the Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts and over 5500 manuscripts of the Greek New Testament. As handcopied manuscripts, spelling differences and switching around of word order were inevitable. These small differences, called "textual variants" (or textual differences) have no effect on essential doctrines nor the facts of scripture.
Thankfully the nature of the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek languages can still communicate the same message and content if the ordering of words are slightly different from one manuscript to the next. We have well over 90% certainty of the wording of the original text of the Old Testament and 99% certainty of the exact wording of the original Greek New Testament text, by far the greatest quality of any ancient document.
Formal Inerrancy
With the original manuscripts no longer around, how can we know that the copies and translations today are by authority the inerrant word of God? This is where the second concept, called "formal" inerrancy becomes useful. "Formal" authority refers to the doctrines, teachings and facts communicated by the copies and translations made from the original manuscripts.
The doctrines and teachings of the scriptures have not been lost through the centuries of copying of the manuscripts of the Bible. When Jesus and the Apostles quoted the Old Testament, they were doing so from a Greek Translation called the Septuagint. Their attitude toward the translations and manuscripts of their day demonstrates what we are discussing here. Because the original manuscripts were in the "material" of their original wording inerrant, biblical doctrines and details have been faithfully communicated through the remarkable preservation of the manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments. This is why we can say that the Bibles we have today are by virtue of their authority the inerrant Word of God.
The Practical Value of biblical inerrancy
Reading, studying, teaching and preaching God's word demands an accurate text. What would happen if we discovered errors in matters of doctrinal, historical or scientific truth? It would undermine the Christian faith and the confidence we have in living out the Christian faith. Christian faith derives from scripture and though it. (James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:23)
It is the Holy Spirit who guides and illluminates the text. (1 John 2:20,27). If I don't have the inerrant word of God, then I won't have an accurate picture and understanding of Christ. Inerrancy is without a doubt still relevant and highly practical, since it describes the nature of the source of biblical Christianity - The Bible.
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