Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel.”
Genesis 3:15 is significant for three reasons: First, it is the first mention of the Gospel; secondly, it contains the first promise and thirdly, it is an example of the first Bible prophecy. On that last point I want to focus our attention today as we consider what I believe to be the top twelve verses, sections of scriptures or even Bible Books for studying Bible prophecy. I recognize that my listing here is more my own list, and should not be taken to be "The Official Top Twelve". Second, I recognize that more able Bible Students and Scholars than I may have a different list of candidates in their own "Top Twelve". Frankly, I welcome the interraction and always desire to learn and know how to communicate God's Word better. Then finally, with there being over 800 Bible prophecies in God's Word, there is no shortage of material when it comes to what God has to say about End Time events.
With that said, I will for sake of space simply list the top 12 passages with some minimal commentary. May this list enable the student of scripture to start their study in Bible prophecy. For convenience's sake I will list the passages in their order of appearance in the Bible (i.e their canonical order).
A Listing of the Top Twelve Scriptures in Bible Prophecy
1. Genesis 3:15. This one verse is the first prophecy in scripture and lays out the entirety of redemptive and prophetic history - the cosmic conflict between Christ and His Sovereign Kingdom versus the defeat of Satan and his secondary kingdom.
2. Genesis 12:1-7. God's promise to Abraham sets the stage for God's program for bringing Christ in to the world in His first coming, as well as His Second coming. God promised Abraham a "seed", which refers to Israel, ultimately Christ and then all of those redeemed in saving faith. Second, God promised Abraham a "land", which refers to the nation of Israel, and of which will be the focal point of many prophetic events. Then God promised Abraham a blessing, whereby through Him all of the nations would be blessed.
3. 2 Samuel 7:13-16. God's Covenant to David is an extension of the "seed" promise to Abraham, and bridges the distance between Abraham and Christ. Not only is it vital for understanding Christ's identity in His first coming, but even more importantly is a cornerstone passage for what will occur when He returns to set up His Kingdom following His second coming.
4. Psalm 2 and 110. I put these two passage together, since they occur in the same Bible Book and are referred to by scholars as "Enthronement Psalms" or "Messianic Psalms". These two chapters depict the prophetic (or sometimes called eschatological) intent of God's covenant with David. Psalm 110 is the most quoted passage in the New Testament, making it a cornerstone passage in the study of Bible prophecy.
5. Jeremiah 31-33. These three chapters in Jeremiah outline the predicted New Covenant Age, and correspond to the "blessing" aspect of God's promise to Israel. Some Bible teachers believe that the New Covenant has been inaugurated or spiritually initiated in this current church age, with the full physical manifestation expected at Christ's return, when He restores the nation of Israel.
6. Daniel 9:23-27. I refer to this as the Bible's most amazing prophecy, simply because of its depth and range of coverage - spanning from the days of Jerusalem's Exile to Babylon, through to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ all the way to His second coming. More could be said, however we also see prophecy's villain - the Anti-Christ and of course the Reigning Hero - Jesus Christ.
7. Daniel 11-12. These two chapters cover all of history from the close of the Old Testament up until the time of Christ's return. Daniel 11 details the time between the Testaments and then the final rebellion prior to Christ's return. The doctrines of resurrection receive their greatest treatment in all of the Old Testament in Daniel 12.
8. Matthew 24-25. Jesus' Olivet Discourse, where He preaches His series on major Prophetic themes, is perhaps the true heart of what will be the New Testament's explanation of Prophecy from the Old Testament.
9. 1 Corinthians 15:20-58. This masterful section of verses gives what is perhaps the most concise chronology of major prophetic events in the New Testament. The value of this passage is in how Eschatology or Prophecy is practically and doctrinally shown to connect to what Jesus accomplished in His First coming. Furthermore, Bible prophecy is shown to be integral to the over all message of the Gospel.
10. 1 Thessalonians 4-5. It is in these two chapters we come to understand the doctrines of Christ's catching away his church - or what is better known as the rapture of the church. Christ's second coming is spoken of extensively in these two chapters. Another chapter that can be read in concert with these two chapters is 2 Thessalonians 2.
10. 1 Thessalonians 4-5. It is in these two chapters we come to understand the doctrines of Christ's catching away his church - or what is better known as the rapture of the church. Christ's second coming is spoken of extensively in these two chapters. Another chapter that can be read in concert with these two chapters is 2 Thessalonians 2.
11. 2 Peter 3. This grand chapter in Peter's second letter helps the reader tie together the events of Genesis to the Prophetic Events of the New Testament. We see God's heart for unbelievers, evidence for the worldwide flood and the prediction of the final closing of history in preparation for the New Heavens and New Earth.
12. The Book of Revelation. I put the whole book, since it is God's final word on prophetic themes. No study of Bible Prophecy is complete without seriously considering the interpretation and message of this Book.
12. The Book of Revelation. I put the whole book, since it is God's final word on prophetic themes. No study of Bible Prophecy is complete without seriously considering the interpretation and message of this Book.
I could had listed other passages, however the aim of today's blog is to give you a sample of what is in God's Word when it comes to studying Bible prophecy. I am sure as you do your own study, you will find other passages that you can add to your own list. Remember, it is our privilege and duty as Christians to give reason for the hope that is in us. (1 Peter 3:15)