
Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Trinity's intention in creating human beings - p2

Yesterday we looked at why the Triune God originally created human beings.  We discovered that humanity cannot be defined apart from Christ, and that the only way one can discover what it means to be human is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  Today we continue noting why it is that human beings were created, and why it is that our humanity makes no sense apart from the God of the Bible. 

God had entered into covenant with man    
                 Genesis 1:26-30 and Genesis 2:16-17 form what is called by theologians "The Covenant of works".  Quite simply put, God had given man the promise of inheritance to man.  It was man's to take and man's right to rule over the earth.  God had entered into covenant with man.  All man had to do was obey four simple rules:

a. Be fruitful and muliply
b. Rule the earth and all in it
c. Eat freely from every tree in the garden
d. Not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil

If Adam and Eve obeyed these four simple rules, then their status as God's man and woman without sin would remain forever.  This covenant arrangement was still based in grace, since God offered it freely from His own heart.  The question of the hour would be: "would man follow through with all the God laid before him?"  It certainly was within his ability - since he was created free from sin and able not to sin.  However man was also created with a free will - meaning that at some point he would be given the opportunity to follow through or forfeit all that God had given him.

Only by Grace through, not works, can man discover his real identity
Man broke the original Covenant of works, so God had to offer one of Grace.  That Covenant, revealed in God slaying to two animals in the place of Adam and Eve, and covering them with coats of skin, would be the only way man could now have relationship and fellowship with the Lord.  By grace, through faith, in the shed blood of promise, would be the only way. 

However man forfeited that when he rebelled against God in the Garden.  The "title deed" to earth was transferred over from man's dominion to Satan's control.  The only way the title deed was going to be returned back to its rightful owner would be if a man would come to both reclaim its rights and then take up complete dominion over the planet.

         Jesus Christ, the New Adam, has done that very thing. (Please compare Romans 5)  On the cross he defeated Satan and by right is the heir.  All who by grace through faith trust in Christ, are considered co-heirs with him.  (Please read Ephesians 2:6-9)  We look forward to the time when Christ returns, and sets up His earthly kingdom, that his right as the heir will become a sure fact in His Kingly reign upon the earth. (Please read Revelation 20)   
God's original inheritance for man is regained through the New Adam            The fact that God gave man the authority and privilege to rule the earth is proven in the title deed we see here in Genesis 1:26-30.  Man was to be God's "co-regent" or "co-king".  Every square inch of planet earth, every last form of life was to be under man's supervision. 

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