Genesis 15:1-2 After these things the word of the LORD came to
Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not fear, Abram, I am a
shield to you; Your reward shall be very great.”
2 Abram said, “O Lord GOD, what will You give me, since I am childless, and the
heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?”
Yesterday we considered the names "LORD" (referring to God's personally revealed name and Deity as Yahweh or Jehovah, The I AM) and "Lord" (referring to His authority as Master or 'Adonai') Today we want to explore a little bit of just how much rule does God excercise as "Lord". In today's blog we are going to consider how God is Adonai or "Lord of all things".
Now when we say God is Lord of all things, what is it that He rules? Four areas of mentioned in Genesis 15 that aid us in seeing how vast the power of the Lord truly is.
1. The Lord or "Adonai" rules in Providence Genesis 15:1-5
God's Providence is His ruling reign. Abram was asking the Lord how it was He was going to bring about the promised heir from his bloodline. The Lord reveals to Abram that it is not going to be the one he's thinking - Eliezer. Then the Lord does something incredible - he takes Abram to view the outside sky. He shows Him just how big His promise is going to be fulfilled to Abram. Furthermore, He is reminding Abram of how vast His power is.
In Providence, the Lord guides all events, people and nations for His intended purposes. As much as this promise can include the nation of Israel that would come from Abraham, and later on Isaac and Jacob - God's word is in ultimate reference to Jesus Christ. The Lord's providential rule will utilize all of history, humanity and nations. One nation, Israel, would be the means by which the Lord providentially brings about the coming of this ultimate descendant - Jesus Christ.
2. The Lord or "Adonai" rules in salvation Genesis 15:6-7
The Bible says in Genesis 15:6 that Abram believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. That verse is quoted by the Apostle Paul to illustrate the central truth of justification by faith in salvation. (Romans 4:3) Justification is God's judicial declaration of the sinner's innocence at the moment of saving faith. We can think of justification in this way: "just-as-if-I-never-sinned". All that Christ is and accomplished is credited to us the moment we by faith acknowledge Him as Savior and Lord by grace through faith. The Lord reigns and rules in salvation. He is the Author and finisher of faith. (Hebrews 12:1-2)
3. The Lord or "Adonai" rules in Revelation Genesis 15:8-17
The Lord has Abram bring a series of animals to be prepared by Abram for an unusual covenant ceremony. Abram is to take these animals and cut them from front to back into two opposing halves. The idea of this covenant is that whomever walks through the halves is pledging not only His loyalty to the other, but that the failure to complete the covenant will result in a curse on the one making the covenant. Quite literally, the one making the covenant is saying His fate will be the same as the animals if He fails to come through. Since the Lord alone walks through the animals, and since He cannot die, we know that the covenant will be fulfilled.
This revelation has the Lord putting Abram into a deep sleep and revealing the destiny of his descendants all the way into their days in bondage in Egypt, some 400 years. (Genesis 15:13) The Lord has the authority to bring to completion what He begins. He not only calls His people, He redeems them and infallibly reveals through His Word His commitment to them.
4. The Lord or "Adonai" Rules in Prophecy Genesis 15:18-21
God promises in this last section of Genesis 15 that all of Abram's descendants will get the land. Again even though we can include Israel (for God's plans for her will still be accomplished), the ultimate person in view is the Lord Jesus Christ. He will rule and reign over the land and over the universe. Prophecy as well as history is in view. This is how much dominion the Lord has. He is truly Master of all things.
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