
Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Bible: Book of Books centers around the King of Kings

Hebrews 1:1-2 God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, 2in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.

I wanted to expand upon what I wrote yesterday regarding how the Bible - The Book of Books, reveals the Unique Person of Jesus Christ.  In yesterday's post I divided up the Old and New Testaments into there repsective sections - noting that each Testament can be divided into four sections - each revealing Jesus Christ in some fashion.

Today I wanted to give some specific examples of each of those sections to give the reader a tool by which they can see the unity and coherence of God's Word as centered around the Person and work of Jesus Christ.

1. The Law Points to Christ
-He is the "Seed" Promise in Genesis 3:15 and 12:7
-He is the Burning Bush and Water from the Rock in Exodus
-He is the One pointed to by the various sacrifices in Leviticus
-He is pointed to by the raising of the Serpent on the pole in Numbers 21 (compare John 3:14-15)
-He is the Future King and Prophet pointed out in both Deuteronomy 13 and 18

2. The Historical Books Picture Christ
-He is Joshua's Captain of the Lord of Hosts in Joshua 5 and Ruths Kinsmen Redeemer
-He is the "Seed" of David in 2 Samuel 7
-In the historical books we see Christ pictured primarily through three historical offices of prophet, priest and King

3. The Poetic Books Personify Christ
-He is Job's Intercessor in Job 9
-He is the Psalmist's Eternal Son and King in Psalm 2 and 110 and Solomon's Son of God in Proverbs 30:4-5
-He is shown on the cross in Psalm 22
-He is the beloved Bridegroom in Song of Solomon

4. The Prophets Predict Christ
-He is Isaiah's Wonderful King in Isaiah 9 and Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53
-He is predicted to be the Good Shepherd in Jeremiah 23
-He is Daniel's Son of Man in Daniel 7
-He is predicted to be born in Bethelehem in Micah 5
-He is the Son of Righteousness at the end of Malachi

5. The Gospels Portray Christ
-Matthew shows Him as King
-Mark shows Him as the Suffering Servant
-Luke 19:10 tells us He is the Son of Man that came to seek and to save that which was lost
-John 1 shows Him to be the Eternal Son of God

6. Acts Preaches Christ
-Almost 20 sermons are recorded in Acts, centering around the person and work of Christ
-Peter speaks about Him Theologically in 5 sermons
-Stephen preaches about Him historically in Acts 7
-Phillip preaches Him evangelistically in Acts 8
-Paul speaks 11 times about Him redemptively

7. The Epistles Explain Christ
-Romans reveals Him to be the believer's righteousness
-He is Christ Crucified in 1 Corinthians 2 and Christ Risen and returning in 1 Corinthians 15
-2 Corinthians 11 shows us Christ as the faithful Husband
-Galatians states He is the Seed of Abraham in Galatians 3:16
-Ephesians tells us He is the Husband of the Church
-Philippians tells us He is God in human flesh
-Colossians tells us He is Christ God over all
-1 and 2 Thessalonians reveal Him to be coming again
-1 and 2 Timothy and Ttitus reveal Him as the Chief shepherd over His church
-1 and 2 Peter  reveal Him to be the spotless lamb of God
-1,2,3 John reveal Him to be the Love of God personified

8. Revelation shows Christ Pre-eminent
-Revelation 19 reveals Him to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
-Revelation 21 shows Him as the Lamp of God
-Revelation 22 shows Him to be the Bridegroom along with the church calling sinners to repentance

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