
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Poem: From Age to Age

Poem: From Age to Age

The Trinity existed before the time He invented

He alone was not alone, and in Himself was contented

The Father thought of ages to come and the Son in turn agreed

The Spirit worked forth life, hovering over what had been decreed

The Beginning age was creation when existence suddenly became

God began history's march with His glory being the aim

The first couple were created and then rebelled, choosing a tree over Him

The curse pronounced, death set in with the future looking


God granted coats to cover nakedness caused by sin and shame

Thus began the second age: The Old Covenant age by name

The Patriarchs and Prophets foresaw the promised hope to be

By faith they believed the promise from God who reigns eternally

Silence passed from Malachi to Matthew with hope fading fast

Would the promise made by God ever come to pass?

Then in time The Champion was conceived in a virgin to


Born in a stable, veiled in fraility, this God in human flesh

He lived, He taught to His cross, was raised and then ascended

In His Name the Spirit came, from the Father the Dove descended

The Old Covenant, former age closed, the work forever done

The church was born, hope rekindled, the present age begun

2,000 years has come and gone, and we lift our eyes on high

Awaiting the Savior to return, our redemption draweth nigh

When He comes, this age will end, the church will defy the ground

To Him resurrected saints will be gathered, with glory rushing around

Then comes wrath, the cosmos shakes, the earth a darkened mass

Quaking, shaking, fearsome sounds, Christ is coming fast

Hording armies will raise their swords to fight the Eternal King

With one swipe of His terrible sword their defeat in history will ring

The Kingdom Age, a millennium long, Christ will reign alone

He'll judge the nations, reign with peace, with majesty on His throne

As that fourth age ends and the sun is setting, the enemy will be let


To lead a final war against the King, with the nations 

in his noose

The Final Judgment will then commence, unbelievers raised to


Sadness will swell, tears wiped from those who by

faith are exempt

Heaven and earth will be made anew, Christ and His church shall be

The glorious saints, in resurrected form will praise Him eternally

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