Revelation 1:1 "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must soon take place; and He sent and communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant John"
Some Great Quotes Introducing the Book of Revelation
The incredible Book of Revelation will be the focus of today's blog.
I thought we would begin with some introductory quotes from great Christian writers and preachers whose Spirit illuminated insights into the Book of Revelation can greatly aid in approaching God's final reveal book.
The first quote we will consider is from an early 20th century Bible commentator of the first order - Arthur W. Pink. In the introduction to his book "The Redeemer's Return" we read: "But wondrous and blessed as was the first Advent of our Lord in many respects, His Second Coming will be even more momentous. At His first appearing He was here in weakness and humiliation, but at His second He shall come in power and glory. When He was here before He was "despised and rejected of men," but when He comes back again every knee shall bow before Him and every tongue confess His Lordship. When He was here before He paid tribute to Caesar, but when He returns He shall reign as King of Kings and Lord of lords. When He was here before His personal ministry was confined to the land of Palestine, but when He returns "the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea" (Hab.2:14)."
Secondly, the late Dr. John Walvoord, great prophecy teacher and professor in the earlier days of Dallas Seminary, writes this about Revelation in the preface of His book "The Revelation of Jesus Christ": "In some sense, the book is the conclusion to all previous Biblical revelation and logically reflects the interpretation of the rest of the Bible". (Preface, Page 7)
Thirdly, we read these words from the inimitable late pastor of First Baptist Dallas, Dr. W.A Criswell, in his commentary: "Expository Sermons on Revelation": It is a book in which all things in the Bible find an echo and reverberation. It delineates the consummation of the age. It is the great goal toward which all of the plans and purposes of God in history reach. It touches things in heaven, things in earth, and things under the earth." Later on in the same book, Dr. Criswell writes: No other book in the Bible has as much circumference and height and depth as does the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ." (Sermon 1, Page 13)
Fourthly and lastly, one of the most Godly and gifted pulpiteers of our day, Dr. John MacArthur, writes these words in his commentary on Revelation: "But the book of Revelation provides the most detailed look into the future in all of scripture. The fitting capstone of God's revelation to man in the Bible, the book of Revelation unveils the future history of the world, all the way to history's climax in the return of Christ and the setting up of His glorious earthly and eternal kingdom." (Page 14, The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Revelation 1-11)
An outline of the Book of Revelation
My aim is to present the reader an outline of the book, with particular focus upon the Person of Jesus Christ. From Revelation 1:1 we understand that if Jesus Christ is your focus before you read Revelation, during your study of the book and even moreso after studying Revelation, then you have rightly interpreted Revelation. With that said, I offer you dear reader a basic outline of the Book of Revelation. The outline proceeds in two ways that are based off a key verse and a key theme. First, the outline follows the key verse of Revelation 1:19: "Therefore write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after these things." Included in this outline is a second feature - namely the key theme of the Person of Jesus Christ.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Part One: Things which you have seen
Jesus Christ and His Church Revelation 1-3Part Two: Things which are/will take place
Jesus Christ and His Worship Revelation 4-5
Part Three: Things which will take place
Jesus Christ and History Revelation 6-18
Jesus Christ and His Coming Reign Revelation 19-20
Jesus Christ and His Bride Revelation 21-22
To God be the glory.
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