2 Timothy 4:1-2 I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: 2 preach the word...."
Yesterday we began consider the different ways one can deliver and present God's Word in a preaching (or teaching) situation. This current series of blogs should not be thought of as just for preachers. Anyone who listens to sermons can learn what to look for when hearing a Biblical sermon from God's Word. Many of the principles outlined in this current series of blogs are useful in personal study and application of God's Word. We looked yesterday at different types of expository or Biblical sermons: namely theme sermons and pyramid sermons. Today we continue looking at more different ways in which to present God's Word.
1. “Logic Building Sermons”
In a logic building sermon the material of the message is presented to show the listener the given logic of the passage. Often preachers will employ what is called a "syllogism", which is a logical argument that begins with a general statement (a major Premise), a specific related statement (a minor premise) and then a logical conclusion that proves the logic of both. Below is a sample sermon:
-Example: Help people see the logic of the Gospel-Title: “Why Jesus alone is the sinner’s substitute
-Text: Various Scriptures, mostly 1 Corinthians 15
Major Premise: Anyone who dies in their sins awaits judgment. (Hebrews 9:27)
Minor Premise: Jesus was born, died and raised from the dead. (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)
Therefore: Jesus proves He is a sinless man and capable of representing you
-Text: Various Scriptures, mostly 1 Corinthians 15
Major Premise: Anyone who dies in their sins awaits judgment. (Hebrews 9:27)
Minor Premise: Jesus was born, died and raised from the dead. (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)
Therefore: Jesus proves He is a sinless man and capable of representing you
Thus the major and minor premises could be the first two points of the sermon, followed by the "therefore" being the final point and conclusion.
Twin sermons are so-named because of their simple two-point structure. Normally in a twin sermon the amount of time spent in each part is about the same, thus lending further to the name "twin sermon". Personally this type of expository sermon is among my favorite types to preach because of its simplicity and relative ease to deliver. Below are suggestions for how you may deliver such a sermon:
-(Point 1) First part of sermon may present a problem
-(Point 2) Second part may bring a solution
Example: “Healing an Unhealthy Christian Faith”
3 John 9-11; 2 Peter 1:4-11
1.Marks of an unhealthy Christian Faith. 3 John 9-11
- Resists vs 9
- Rebels vs 10
- Rotten vs 11
2.Healing by maintaining a healthy Christian faith. 2 Peter 1:4-11
-(Point 2) Second part may bring a solution
Example: “Healing an Unhealthy Christian Faith”
3 John 9-11; 2 Peter 1:4-11
1.Marks of an unhealthy Christian Faith. 3 John 9-11
- Resists vs 9
- Rebels vs 10
- Rotten vs 11
2.Healing by maintaining a healthy Christian faith. 2 Peter 1:4-11
Note: If you start out negative, try to end positive. But only do so if you can find a corresponding text
Example: “What did Christ Accomplish?” 1 Peter 3:18
Point #1 - What did He do? He died for sins
Point #2 - Whom did he die for? Sinners
Point #3 - Why did He die? To bring us to God
Point #4 - How was it successful? He raised
Point #5 - When do you receive what He did?
There are several other suggested ways we could consider in presenting a Biblical, expository sermon. However let me close with some suggestions for you and I to improve in our presentation of God's Word as preachers and teachers.
Suggestions for growing in our Sermon presentation
1.Listen to other preachersThere are several other suggested ways we could consider in presenting a Biblical, expository sermon. However let me close with some suggestions for you and I to improve in our presentation of God's Word as preachers and teachers.
Suggestions for growing in our Sermon presentation
2.Listen to or watch your sermons
3.Note nervous habits
4.If using humor, utilize your illustrations, not the text
Great job my brother. I'm really enjoying this study!
ReplyDeleteMike M.