3 John 1:2 "Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers."
Today's post continues a series of posts derived from the smallest book in the Bible - John's 3rd Epistle. The book of 3 John comprises only 215 words and fits on one page in the average Bible. Though small in size, this inspired text is just as profitable as the other 65 books in the canon of scripture. The above opening verse is identified as the key verse and spells out the theme of 3rd John, namely "Healthy Christianity". The phrase within 3 John 1:2 has captured my attention in that the Apostle describes his readers as those who have "prospering souls". In this series we are exploring the idea of "the healthy Christian soul". Yesterday we began by first noting that the healthy Christian soul walks in the truth. Today we consider the second trait of a healthy Christianity or a healthy Christian soul, namely...
Healthy Christian souls are faithful
3 John 1:5 reads - "Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers." What does it mean to be faithful? Starting from conversion, every time I am faced with a decision to exercise faith in obedience or be disobedient out of fear determines how consistent I am in the walk of faith. Everytime I choose to trust God over myself, I am building in a track record of "faithfulness". Faithfulness always looks beyond self to the needs of others and the cause of God's Kingdom. Faithful people will never meet a stranger who is all about advancing God's kingdom work. God's kingdom is the domain of His reign in the hearts of men, the heavenly realms and will be made manifest in the soon return of Jesus Christ. Healthy Christianity thrives on faithfulness. Faithfulness, not success, is what defines healthy Christianity.
More tomorrow....
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