Isaiah 43:10-11 “You are My witnesses,” declares the Lord, “And My servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and believe Me And understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me. 11 “I, even I, am the Lord, And there is no savior besides Me.
Introducing God's Aseity (A-say-i-tee)
When you read through Isaiah 43-44, you find celebrated a characteristic of God that is unique to Himself - a
trait that Bible teachers call "aseity" (a-say-itee). Theologian Dr. R.C Sproul writes concerning God's aseity: "When we affirm that God is eternal, we are also saying that He possesses the attribute of aseity, or self-existence. This means that God eternally has existed of Himself and in Himself." God's Aseity (from a Latin word ase meaning "from oneself") refers to God's uniqueness and
independence from the rest of creation as well as He being the own source of
His own life. All other beings, whether
angels, people or animals, are dependent on God for their life. The universe itself is dependent on God,
since it was He who spoke it into existence. (Genesis 1:1-2; Psalm 33:6).
Why God's Aseity is so important
1. Aseity is the essential starting place for the worship of God
To begin, Divine Aseity is important for the worship songs we commonly sing. One of my favorite hymns that celebrates the Aseity of God is the song "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing." The lyrics of the hymn begin as follows: "Come thou fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace Streams of mercy never ceasing Call for songs of loudest praise". How do great songs of worship like this hymn rely on God's Aseity? The fact that God is described as a fountain means that He is His own source of blessing. We are dependent on God for everything and celebrate the Triune God of scripture that alone is our source of life and eternal life. Just as a fountain of water feeds itself in producing a beautiful stream of water to be enjoyed by all who look upon it, God's Aseity means all that we see of Him flows inwardly from the kind of God he is: eternal and independent of His creation. The Apostle Paul's burst of worship in Romans 11:36 assumes God's Aseity: "For from Him and to Him and through Him are all things. To Him be the glory for ever and ever, amen."
2. Aseity is essential to understanding God in His word
Another reason we could cite as to why God's Aseity is so important is in how the revelation of Himself to us in His Word requires Him to possess this quality. Isaiah brings out three main titles of God:
Savior (Isaiah 43:3), Creator (43:15) and King of Israel (43:15). As you read these chapters, you find a
repeated phrase that speaks of God's Aseity - namely that God is the only Lord,
and there is no other, neither before nor after Him. (Isaiah 43:10-11;
44:6-8) God's Aseity insures that God is
the sole source of salvation, the sole source of all things as Creator and the
Sole King over His people.
3. Aseity is essential to waging war on worldliness
Isaiah then
contrasts God who is Aseity to that of man made idols that are not gods at all.
(Isaiah 44:9-20) Quite the opposite of
Aseity is the fact that idolatry is foolishness, since men take blocks of wood
or stone and take half for firewood and half to make an image. Those false gods cannot save, only
condemn. Furthermore, idols cannot create but only destroy and they
cannot reign but only be worthless. The idols that we combat are those idols that come up in our hearts. Whenever we begin to think that God or Christ is not enough, and that we need to "supplement" He and His word, we have drifted into the realm of idolatry or worldliness. (1 John 2:15-17) Only when we see God in His Aseity do we realize the lie of sin, that nothing can fully complete except God alone.
4. Aseity is essential for the work of salvation
Only the God that is Aseity, the God that is His own Source of life and eternal power,
can redeem and forgive. (Isaiah 43:10-11;44:21-28) For example, when you turn to Colossians 2, you
discover two essential truths about Jesus Christ: He being fully Divine and
fully man. Take everything you just
learned about God in Isaiah 43-44 and apply it to the Son, Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ, touching His Divinity, shares
the same exact qualities with the Father, being the "fulness of Deity in
bodily form". (Colossians 2:9) The Son shares in the same nature of aseity
as the Father, meaning He can be regarded
as the Savior, Creator and King. (Colossians 2:10-11) Equally important is the
fact that the Son came to begin sharing in our humanity, meaning He could now
die for our sins and raise from the dead. (Colossians 2:11-15) By being both
fully God and fully man, Jesus Christ's saving work carries with it infinite
value and is effectively applied to all who by grace through faith believe on
Him. (Colossians 2:1-7)
Celebrate God's Aseity. Praise Christ today for His Aseity - the quality that
makes Him an equal sharer with the Father and the Spirit and thus the source of
your salvation. Also praise Him that He
came to share in your humanity so that He could shed His blood for you.
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