Book: Acts of the Apostles
Author: Luke. A co-worker with the Apostle Paul and author of the Gospel of Luke.
Personal information concerning the author as found in the book: The book of Acts is Luke's second volume, with the Gospel of Luke being the first. It is written to Theophilus, the same recipient as the Gospel.
Theme: The Person of the Holy Spirit at work in the church to accomplish Christ's great commission.
Key Verse: Acts 1:8
Outline: Acts 1-2 The birth of the church by the Spirit
Acts 3-8 The mission to Jerusalem
Acts 9-12 The mission to Samaria
Acts 13-28 The mission to the
uttermost parts of the earth.
Three Promises of God found in the book:
1. The Person and power of the Spirit has come. (Acts 2)
2. Christ will return just as He ascended, in physical, bodily, post-resurrected, glorified form. (Acts 1:11-14)
3. The church is able to reach unbelievers and make disciples by the power of Christ, the Person of the Spirit and the preaching of the scriptures. (Acts 2-8; 9-12; 13-28).
Three commands of God found in the book:
1. "Wait for what the Father had promised" Acts 1:4
2. "You shall be my witnesses..." Acts 1:8
3. "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved...." Acts 16:31
One thing I learned about:
God the Father. The Father has promised and sent the Spirit in the name of the Son.
Jesus Christ. He is the resurrected, ascended, enthroned King in heaven over His church who will return at the end of this age. He operates in a more profound and exalted way as the Post-Pentecost Jesus, retaining His humanity but displaying more of His Deity by the agency of the Holy Spirit through the church by the scriptures.
The Holy Spirit. He is found roughly 40 times in the the book of Acts. He is the illuminator, empoweror and pointer to Christ. He calls, converts and applies Christ's achieved work and ensures the completion of the church's mission.
What does God want me to do? (one specific measurable goal?)
Read and study the Book of Acts more this upcoming year.
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